January 19, 2024
v 2.3.12
Dive into an improved chat experience, refined user interfaces, and powerful AI integrations for a smoother, more personalized journey.
Bug Fixes
Updated the position of the right button in the chat textfield for better accessibility.
Enhanced the chat textfield's ability to copy text with line breaks intact.
Improvements to the style of text in the chat textfield for clearer readability.
Resolved issues with pasting multiline text into the chat textfield.
Fixed alignment of bot message answers, including markdown headers and other elements.
Enhanced the quality of icons in the menu bar for a sharper display.
Fixed a bug in the Gemini quick chat feature.
Redesigned the user interface of the login screen for a more intuitive experience.
Updated the user interface of the permission handler screen for improved usability.
Implemented a 27-character limit for prompt titles to ensure clarity and conciseness.
Upgraded the hotkey_system package to version 0.0.8 for enhanced functionality.
User interface enhancements in the inline writer prompt menu for better interaction.
Added hover effects to menu bar icons for a more responsive user experience.
Introduced keyboard shortcuts to the menu bar for increased efficiency.
Improvements to cursor interaction for a smoother user experience.
Enhanced the visual experience within the application for better user engagement.
Added a confirmation dialog for the prompt deletion process to prevent accidental deletions.
New Features
Integrated Gemini AI with the inline writer for advanced text processing.
Implemented individual text edit controller values for each thread to retain unique settings.
Enabled separate clipboard values for each thread to facilitate multitasking.
Allowed distinct vision settings for each thread for customized visual experiences.
Introduced the feature of pasting only the selected text in the INLINE WRITER.
Integrated Deepgram API for handling audio files larger than 25MB, while using Whisper API for smaller files.