Usability & Hotkey Upgrades

Usability & Hotkey Upgrades

November 30, 2023

November 30, 2023

November 30, 2023

v 2.3.4

v 2.3.4

v 2.3.4

Fixed inline writer and QuickChat display issues; added new window shadow, updated HotkeySystem, and redesigned search bar; introduced text transfer features and new hotkeys for chat efficiency.

Bug Fixes

  • Inline Writer Issue in ThinkBuddy Window Resolved: The issue where inline writer prompts were not triggering with the ThinkBuddy window open has been fixed.

  • QuickChat Prompt Display Fixed: Resolved the problem where messages sent via QuickChat were not appearing as prompt buttons.


  • Shadow Added to Window: A shadow effect has been introduced to enhance the visual appeal of the window.

  • HotkeySystem Package Updated: The HotkeySystem package has been upgraded to a newer version for improved functionality.

  • Chat Textfield Focus: The chat textfield is now automatically focused, enhancing user experience.

  • Redesigned Search Bar: The search bar has undergone a redesign for better usability and appearance.

New Features

  • ThinkBuddy Window Enhancement: When opening the ThinkBuddy window, if there is selected text, it is now automatically transferred to the chat as clipboard content.

  • New Prompt Feature with Selected Text: When a prompt is triggered outside the application with selected text, the text is sent to the chat along with the prompt.

New Hotkeys

  • Line Break in Text Field: Shift + Enter to move to the next line while typing.

  • New Chat Window: Cmd + N to open a new chat window.

  • Copy Last Message in Chat: Cmd + C to copy the most recent message.

  • Search in Chat: Cmd + F to initiate a search within the chat.

  • Open Prompt Menu: Cmd + K to open the prompt menu.

  • Send Button Hotkey in Prompt Menu Updated: The hotkey for the send button in the prompt menu has been changed to Enter.

  • Close ThinkBuddy Window: Esc to close the window.

Fixed inline writer and QuickChat display issues; added new window shadow, updated HotkeySystem, and redesigned search bar; introduced text transfer features and new hotkeys for chat efficiency.

Bug Fixes

  • Inline Writer Issue in ThinkBuddy Window Resolved: The issue where inline writer prompts were not triggering with the ThinkBuddy window open has been fixed.

  • QuickChat Prompt Display Fixed: Resolved the problem where messages sent via QuickChat were not appearing as prompt buttons.


  • Shadow Added to Window: A shadow effect has been introduced to enhance the visual appeal of the window.

  • HotkeySystem Package Updated: The HotkeySystem package has been upgraded to a newer version for improved functionality.

  • Chat Textfield Focus: The chat textfield is now automatically focused, enhancing user experience.

  • Redesigned Search Bar: The search bar has undergone a redesign for better usability and appearance.

New Features

  • ThinkBuddy Window Enhancement: When opening the ThinkBuddy window, if there is selected text, it is now automatically transferred to the chat as clipboard content.

  • New Prompt Feature with Selected Text: When a prompt is triggered outside the application with selected text, the text is sent to the chat along with the prompt.

New Hotkeys

  • Line Break in Text Field: Shift + Enter to move to the next line while typing.

  • New Chat Window: Cmd + N to open a new chat window.

  • Copy Last Message in Chat: Cmd + C to copy the most recent message.

  • Search in Chat: Cmd + F to initiate a search within the chat.

  • Open Prompt Menu: Cmd + K to open the prompt menu.

  • Send Button Hotkey in Prompt Menu Updated: The hotkey for the send button in the prompt menu has been changed to Enter.

  • Close ThinkBuddy Window: Esc to close the window.

Fixed inline writer and QuickChat display issues; added new window shadow, updated HotkeySystem, and redesigned search bar; introduced text transfer features and new hotkeys for chat efficiency.

Bug Fixes

  • Inline Writer Issue in ThinkBuddy Window Resolved: The issue where inline writer prompts were not triggering with the ThinkBuddy window open has been fixed.

  • QuickChat Prompt Display Fixed: Resolved the problem where messages sent via QuickChat were not appearing as prompt buttons.


  • Shadow Added to Window: A shadow effect has been introduced to enhance the visual appeal of the window.

  • HotkeySystem Package Updated: The HotkeySystem package has been upgraded to a newer version for improved functionality.

  • Chat Textfield Focus: The chat textfield is now automatically focused, enhancing user experience.

  • Redesigned Search Bar: The search bar has undergone a redesign for better usability and appearance.

New Features

  • ThinkBuddy Window Enhancement: When opening the ThinkBuddy window, if there is selected text, it is now automatically transferred to the chat as clipboard content.

  • New Prompt Feature with Selected Text: When a prompt is triggered outside the application with selected text, the text is sent to the chat along with the prompt.

New Hotkeys

  • Line Break in Text Field: Shift + Enter to move to the next line while typing.

  • New Chat Window: Cmd + N to open a new chat window.

  • Copy Last Message in Chat: Cmd + C to copy the most recent message.

  • Search in Chat: Cmd + F to initiate a search within the chat.

  • Open Prompt Menu: Cmd + K to open the prompt menu.

  • Send Button Hotkey in Prompt Menu Updated: The hotkey for the send button in the prompt menu has been changed to Enter.

  • Close ThinkBuddy Window: Esc to close the window.