ChatGPT for MacOS

ChatGPT for MacOS

ChatGPT for MacOS

Unleashing AI Potential
on Your Mac

Unleashing AI Potential on Your Mac

Unleashing AI Potential
on Your Mac

Transform your workday with our all-in-one productivity suite. From answering complex questions to voice-activated commands, our AI assistant makes work easier and faster. Try it out for free today!

Transform your workday with our all-in-one productivity suite. From answering complex questions to voice-activated commands, our AI assistant makes work easier and faster. Try it out for free today!

Transform your workday with our all-in-one productivity suite. From answering complex questions to voice-activated commands, our AI assistant makes work easier and faster. Try it out for free today!

Native-like Experience

The Ultimate AI integration with a native MacOS experience

DO you have a question? Launch Thinkbuddy via your hotkeys, dictate your questions, and get answers from GPT-3.5, GPT-4, or Claude 3. Or is it a quick query? Swiftly get answers using the Quick Chat mode. Whichever it is, our AI is poised to transform the way you work.


your question


your thoughts


your screen

Tired of typing? Just dictate your question in any language of your choice.

Voice Input

Need help with something? Capture your screen and ask AI for help.

Take Screenshot and Ask

Select text, open AI with a shortcut, and watch it execute your command.

Select Text & Execute

Create personalized prompts and save them for future use.

Use Your Custom Prompts

Easily customize your shortcuts for instant use and personalization.

Customize Your Shortcuts

Experience clutter-free interactions with our intelligent clipboard paste feature.

Copy, Paste, and Ask

Leverage OpenAI's Whisper-powered dictation to answer emails & write messages

Whisper Dictation

Prefer Claude 3, Groq, Gemini or GPT-4? Select your preferred model at prompt level.

Choose Your Favorite Model

For an optimized Mac experience, swap between models at no extra cost.

Free Model Switching


Choose your
favorite AI model

Choose what's best for you: GPT-4, GPT-3.5, Claude 3 (Opus, Sonnet, Haiku),
Groq (Mixtral, Llama3), or Gemini—all accessible on Thinkbuddy
with unlimited access and no need for API keys.

Choose what's best for you: GPT-4, GPT-3.5, Claude 3 (Opus, Sonnet, Haiku), Groq (Mixtral, Llama3), or Gemini—all accessible on Thinkbuddy with unlimited access and no need for API keys.

Choose what's best for you: GPT-4, GPT-3.5, Claude 3 (Opus, Sonnet, Haiku),
Groq (Mixtral, Llama3), or Gemini—all accessible on Thinkbuddy
with unlimited access and no need for API keys.

Use Cases



Select Text &
Watch Thinkbuddy Work its Magic

Select the text you wish to interact with, and we'll generate context-specific prompts based on the selected text and activity.

Zoom Effect Image
Zoom Effect Image

Respond to an Email

Select email, open the AI via your shortcut, and then proceed to the next step.

Summarize / Translate Text

Highlight texts and then summarize or translate them with simple shortcut keys.

Interact With AI Naturally

Initiate a natural conversation with Thinkbuddy by simply tapping the mic icon.


Access all features
for free today.

Explore AI capabilities with our free options or check out our budget-friendly plans.

Our Product’s


GPT 3.5 Turbo

GPT-4, Claude 3, Gemini
Groq Mixtral & Llama2

GPT-4 with Vision


Quick Chat™️ & Voice™️

Text Actions™️ & Inline™️

Screen Capture™️

Voice Transcription™️

Local LLMs



Try it, like it, then buy it.

20 free messages

10 free messages

5 free messages

Unlimited (Coming Soon)



Daily users' top-pick.


50 messages / day

10 messages / day

Unlimited (Coming Soon)



Mac Productivity Powerhouse




Unlimited (Coming Soon)


Access all features for free today.

Explore AI capabilities with our free options or check out our budget-friendly plans.

GPT 3.5 Turbo

GPT-4, Claude 3, Gemini
Groq Mixtral & Llama2

GPT-4 with Vision


Quick Chat™️ & Voice™️

Text Actions™️ & Inline™️

Screen Capture™️

Voice Transcription™️

Local LLMs

20 messages / total

10 free messages

5 free messages

Unlimited (Coming Soon)



Try it, like it, then buy it.

GPT 3.5 Turbo

GPT-4, Claude 3, Gemini
Groq Mixtral & Llama2

GPT-4 with Vision


Quick Chat™️ & Voice™️

Text Actions™️ & Inline™️

Screen Capture™️

Voice Transcription™️

Local LLMs


50 messages / day

10 messages / day

Unlimited (Coming Soon)



Daily users' top-pick.

GPT 3.5 Turbo

GPT-4, Claude 3, Gemini
Groq Mixtral & Llama2

GPT-4 with Vision


Quick Chat™️ & Voice™️

Text Actions™️ & Inline™️

Screen Capture™️

Voice Transcription™️

Local LLMs




Unlimited (Coming Soon)



Mac Productivity Powerhouse


Access all features
for free today.

Explore AI capabilities with our free options or check out our budget-friendly plans.

Our Product’s


GPT 3.5 Turbo

GPT-4, Claude 3, Gemini
Groq Mixtral & Llama2

GPT-4 with Vision


Quick Chat™️ & Voice™️

Text Actions™️ & Inline™️

Screen Capture™️

Voice Transcription™️

Local LLMs



Try it, like it, then buy it.

20 free messages

10 free messages

5 free messages

Unlimited (Coming Soon)



Daily users' top-pick.


50 messages / day

10 messages / day

Unlimited (Coming Soon)



Mac Productivity Powerhouse




Unlimited (Coming Soon)

Buy once, use forever!

Buy once, use forever!

Gain lifetime access to Thinkbuddy with unlimited GPT-4 and Claude 3, enhanced by AI features that boost productivity. Enjoy all the advantages of our Plus plan with this one-time deal.

Real Stories



We have fans, not clients

Our journey to creating the ultimate AI experience on MacOS is backed by dedicated fans.

And that's what we're most proud of in this story.

  • Initially skeptical because of my AI-infused IDE and experience with Cursor, the voice interaction feature has now become an indispensable, enchanting tool for me.

    Batuhan Ozyon

  • Using this is so smooth and built into the system, it’s like it’s made by Apple. It made me see I was avoiding ChatGPT because it felt like too much effort.

    Leen Rawashdeh

    University of North Texas

  • I talk to AI so much I feel like I'm in the movie 'Her,' and typing feels like too much work—it's an oddly good experience because I'm better at speaking.

    Mehmet Aktuğ


  • Asking AI with screenshots is new to me. Thinkbuddy's Quick AI is so smooth, I've started to forget when I last used ChatGPT. It's quick and seamless!

    Tuğçe Seven

    Zeo Agency

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you afford to give out a free version?

Yes, the majority of our customers enjoy Thinkbuddy for free. We do this by offsetting a significant portion of the cost for free users through our paid subscriptions. And should you decide to upgrade to the pro version, you can do so for a bit more than the cost of a coffee.

Do I need an API key?

What data do you store?

How are you integrated with MacOS?

Why charge a monthly subscription?

Where can I submit my feature ideas?